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yngwies Cat 10:47 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Any Ribs?

Pancho 10:49 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Proper ribs!

None of that rubbery shit.

Granted they charge more than the rental of a camper van for it but I was all cider'd up.

Real cider too. Smashed 3 quickly before Public Enemy started to stock up.

Bloke looked a bit funny. Then halfway through my third in 2 minutes points at the sign saying it was like 12%...

Yokel cunt.

I was a bit fuzzy when Flava Flav came out.

I tell a lie he didn't make it due to visa issues but they all looked the same at that point.

ooooh Morley Morley 10:49 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Go Glastonbury, watch some of your favourite bands, have a beer and a laugh with your mates.

Don't pretend that sleeping in a field full of cow shit and piss is the best thing you've done with your life EVER.

Don't get all 'spiritual' and bollocks.

Don't pretend you're watching Burt Bacharach in an ironic way just admit you like his pop melodies.

joey5000 10:50 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Kenny Powers 10:45 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Run The Jewels is all I'm looking forward to.

They're pretty much my favourite thing in hip hop at the moment and they are excellent live. I reckon they'll go down well at Glasto.

lowermarshhammer 10:52 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Rocked up in 89 with about 50 people.

3 tickets between us

COPIOUS quantity of ganja and assorted chamical pickmeups.

Blinding weekend.

Anybody over the age of 30, no, make that 25 who goes to these things nowadays must have COPIOUS issues.

Blunders 11:02 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Honest Hammer 10:16 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...

Amazing festival only criticised by complete bellends who haven't been to experience it.


Pancho 11:06 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
I got spiritual when I was queuing up for a shite surrounded by cunts in glasses at 3am.

ooooh Morley Morley 11:09 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Glastonbury - Attended by the sort of nob head who spends the 6 months following the feastival still wearing their fucking wristband, boring anyone within earshot about how 'AHHH-Mayzing' it was and how the 'experience' has changed them forever.

, 11:11 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Glastonbury though people there enjoy it these days has completely lost the essence of what it once was. I am sure many people turn up now and don't have the foggiest about who is performing but are just there for the experience, yah.

It is utterly corporate and has lost its soul. Rather like football has for me compared to years ago.

Festivals for me were at their peak when the likes of Hendricks and Zimmerman were playing the IoW.

Lee Trundle 11:13 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
I knew someone who went to Glastonbury and the experience was life changing for him.

That was down munching too much fly agaric.

In the looney bin the last I heard of him.

White Pony 11:13 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
I've done loads of festivals but never Glastonbury. Would like to go one year though, depends on the line up but then they never announce the line up when tickets go on sale. In which case, I'll probably never go.

I do Reading every year because it's just down the road from me and it's more my bag.

ooooh Morley Morley 11:16 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Bloke at work's out of office message...


I'm not able to reply to your e mail right now as i am attending Glastonbury.

I will pick up your message on my return.

Modern Glastonbury in a nutshell there.... bloke works in a bank and is gonna pretend to be a hippy all weekend before coming back to the office and telling everyone who will listen that 'Money is the enemy man, the finance industry is crushing the human soul'.

Fucking nob.

Big Dave 11:17 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
, 11:11 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...

Festivals for me were at their peak when the likes of Hendricks and Zimmerman were playing the IoW.

I didn't know Christina could sing.

Big Dave 11:20 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
ooooh Morley Morley 11:16 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...

Why the need to say where you are?

If I am on holiday I am on holiday - I don't say where.

El Scorchio 11:26 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Just a pathetic attempt to show off

ooooh Morley Morley 11:27 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
That's just it Big Dave, he's a nob.

How do you know someone's going to Glastonbury? They fucking tell you.

Pancho 11:29 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Burning Man.

Now THAT is the place where you apparently have an awakening.

Lose yourself and find yourself again 100 times.

The acid and 150 degree desert heat probably helps.

I reckon I could write a cracking folk album in my head if I ever get there.

El Scorchio 11:49 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Sums up modern festivals perfectly:


bruuuno 12:08 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
It's high time this middle class fuck fest was banned. Costs taxpayers a fortune, loads of crime/drugs, just a pointless waste of time and money

Dudley Moore 12:10 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
If I wanted to be knee deep in piss I'd spend the weekend on the OS thread.

Grumpster 12:16 Fri Jun 26
Re: Glastonbury...
Never really understood wanting to go to festivals, but then again I'm not the biggest lover of live music or being surrounded by pissed and drugged up cunts wearing wellies.

I also thought that festivals such as Glasto were for proper bands, yet I see Lionel Ritchie, Kanye West and a few other mainstream musicians are playing there.

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